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Yemeni president arrives in Saudi Arabia to sign U.S.-backed deal that would exchange his power for [View All]

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dipsydoodle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-23-11 11:10 AM
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Yemeni president arrives in Saudi Arabia to sign U.S.-backed deal that would exchange his power for
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Edited on Wed Nov-23-11 11:29 AM by dipsydoodle
Source: Daily Mail

Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh arrived in Saudi Arabia today to sign a U.S.-backed power transfer deal mediated by Gulf Arab states to resolve the impoverished country's crisis, Yemen's state television reported.

Saleh has repeatedly promised to sign the Gulf-brokered agreement, only to change his mind every time.

Under the deal, Saleh would step down and transfer power to the vice president in exchange for immunity from prosecution.

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Update :

Yemeni president signs deal to transfer power.

SANAA, Yemen (AP) — Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh has signed an agreement to transfer power to his vice president.

Saleh was shown on Arabic satellite television stations Wednesday signing a proposal by his country's powerful Gulf Arab neighbors to end his country's 9-month old uprising.

Saudi state TV showed a smiling Saleh sitting next to Saudi King Abdullah in the Saudi capital Riyadh as he signed four copies of the proposal. He then clapped briefly.

The plan calls for a power transfer to Saleh's vice president, Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, within 30 days and early presidential elections within 90 days of the signing. It also calls for a two-year transition period.
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