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Reply #1: Nice build on a false premise. [View All]

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aquart Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-08-07 10:55 PM
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1. Nice build on a false premise.
"The terrorists have no hope of riding in triumph into Baghdad, but they continue to fight to persuade US and British opinion that the war is lost and that new Iraq does not deserve further support."

Oh, I ain't gonna let that crap statement slide. "The terrorists"?????? Uh, that would be WHOM? In a civil war, that can be so many different sides each using that word on the others. Mr. Taheri wants us to believe that Iraq is like Britain and America, a stable, law-abiding country with a strong central government harassed by a very small minority of "terrorists" who occasionally strike but never win. THESE "terrorists," however, are the citizens of Iraq. They don't have to ride into Baghdad, they live there.

In Iraq, WE are the terrorists, bringing death and destruction to every house. "Going big" means we go into MORE houses, hurt MORE Iraqi citizens. We aren't fighting an army. We aren't fighting "terrorists." We are using our army against the people of Iraq.

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