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Truthdig: What Lies Beneath [View All]

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marmar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-09-07 08:13 AM
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Truthdig: What Lies Beneath
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Marie Cocco: What Lies Beneath

Posted on Jan 8, 2007
By Marie Cocco

WASHINGTON—Henry Waxman scares me.

Not for the same reason the Bush White House fears the watchdog from California, who now chairs the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. The administration is adding lawyers to fight—probably until the president leaves office—any and all requests for information it deems Congress and the American people have no right to know. They will try to thwart Waxman and any other congressional Democrat who seeks to penetrate the dark corners of an administration that has perfected the art of secrecy like none since the Nixon cabal.

I do not fear that Waxman will flinch from a full-scale White House assault. I tremble at what he might find—that even the smallest victories in his oversight will yield accounts of constitutional horrors yet unknown.

Everything we know thus far about this president’s abuse of power has come from the news media. Relying on sources who’ve risked their careers to reveal constitutional overstepping and contempt for domestic and international law, journalists have provided the only glimpses into the workings of this White House, during six years of willful blindness on the part of Republicans who controlled Capitol Hill.

The media exposed Abu Ghraib. It uncovered the existence of a global network of secret prisons and the U.S. practice of sweeping up people around the world, delivering them to countries known to practice torture. Journalists revealed that the president—despite a law requiring warrants to be granted by a special court in order to eavesdrop on Americans for intelligence purposes—has been snooping on international phone calls without this sanction. And they detailed Bush’s unprecedented use of “signing statements” that say the president can, in effect, ignore any portion of a new law with which he disagrees.

As it happens, the latest of these statements was appended just last month to a routine measure to revamp the Postal Service—an agency directly under Waxman’s purview. The White House claims in this signing statement that it can open first-class mail without a warrant, for emergencies and “foreign intelligence collection.” Administration lawyers say this merely restates current law. If that were true, there would of course be no need to attach such new and extraneous language. And thus far, the explanation has satisfied neither Waxman nor Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), who authored the postal measure in the Senate. ......(more)

The rest of the article is at:

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