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Our CIA Puts 'Protecting American Economic Interests' Well Above Human Rights [View All]

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Tace Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-09-07 03:53 PM
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Our CIA Puts 'Protecting American Economic Interests' Well Above Human Rights
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William Chirolas -- World News Trust

Jan. 9, 2007 -- I just completed viewing the movie The Revolution Will Not Be Televised by Kin Bartley and Donnacha O'Brian sponsored by the BBC among others, which is posted all over the internet (here is one location). I downloaded it to my computer so that I can post it on various sites later today. To say that watching the people of Venezuela restore Democracy after a coup by the Venezuelan military sponsored by the rich was an emotional experience is to understate the feelings that well up.
Perhaps someone could tell me if/when this 2002 movie was played on American TV or Cable, because I do not recall that it has been played in our media. Indeed our media came to mind as the movie showed Fox Cable News type editing by the privately owned Venezuelan TV stations -- editing the right wing killing of Chavez supporters, showing the sadly ineffective side arm (One in four Venezuelan’s carry a side arm) return fire, from behind protective structures, at the right wing snipers perched on the top of surrounding buildings -- never showing that the crowd below was long gone, never showing the snipers, and claiming it was the Chavez supporters that caused the earlier deaths actually caused by the right wing snipers.

Then the right wing's gloating on TV after the coup about how they had planned everything, juxtaposed with our leaders like Colin Powell and GOP members of Congress saying how democratic the coup was and how justified it was by Chavez's undemocratic rule and by those deaths, was a startling proof of how not honorable our GOP leaders are. Seeing Ari at the Whitehouse briefing stating the deaths were due to Chavez and the coup was a will of the people democratic change in government together with the assertion "that is what happened," made me appreciate the press secretaries job under Bush -- a job filled so well by Ari and now former Fox Newsperson Tony Snow. Indeed I have new appreciation for our mainstream media and its willingness to broadcast as truth the lies of the right wing rich/corporate/GOP, casting every truth brought forth by Democrats as just one side of a discussion.

The idea that the left does not need guaranteed access to TV -- be it by way of the Reagan killed Fairness Doctrine and a non-political FCC, or by way of ownership of media by unions or foundations -- was shot out of the water by this movie. American Democracy appears to mean backing of a government by corporations and those that benefit from those corporations -- it does not mean 50.1 percent of the voting age population or more. And Corporations will not let truth be broadcast if it hurts their owners/advertisers’ plans for the future.

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