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Reply #11: Spot on! [View All]

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ochazuke Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 02:59 PM
Response to Reply #8
11. Spot on!
You are a welcome addition to our DU minions!

I like reading Pat Buchanan because he often does see things as they are when most others don't.

But I certainly wouldn't want a President Pat.

Sometimes he makes an observation that he might be thinking is derisive, but I see as laudatory. For example, he said environmentalism is a religion. He was probably thinking something like cultists, but I see it as a guiding principle that can inform all religion, new age or old.

Another thing: Pat's disagreements with Bush are shared by many 'true' conservatives. When they wake up and realize that Bush and co. are not their fellow conservatives but actually corporatists (Pat calls it the Chamber of Commerce mentality) who do not share their values, then maybe we can forge a new politics in America that cuts up the old left-right paradigm.

But our candidates must take the initiative.
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