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Reply #20: Once again... [View All]

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reprehensor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 09:14 PM
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20. Once again...
A distasteful, but useful, temporary ally. To date, he is the only publisher to produce Karen Kwiatkowski's 3-part piece about the Neocons, and is the only online venue to view it.

I think his article 'Whose War' raises many valid points, one of which is that because some of the Neocons are Jewish, to attack Neocons is to be anti-semitic. Rubbish.

You can also be anti-Zionist, and NOT anti-semitic. Just ask this Jewish doctor, Alfred M. Lilienthal.

The attempt to divide ranks among the anti-Bush coalition by raising the spectre of anti-semitism when assailing the rampant militarism of the Neocons will not fly. And it is being tried on various fronts, this is from Antiwar (apparently another 'conservative' website)
"And if anybody should know better, it's Gen. Zinni. It is well-known that those who are labeled 'neocons' within the administration – whether the number-two official at the Pentagon, Paul Wolfowitz, or undersecretary of Defense Doug Feith – are almost always Jews. … yet Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld – neither one Jewish – as simply 'key allies.' Policy beliefs and worldviews were not different between these two groups; only religion distinguishes them."

To begin with, the Business Week piece doesn't focus on the Jewishness of neoconservatives in high office, it merely names them. Are we supposed to understand these officials are above criticism because they are Jewish?

I am NOT anti-semitic, I am aware of Pat Buchanan's twisted views, but nonetheless, he is reaching out to conservatives and asking them to reject the Bush administration. The world needs that right now.

Please don't email me anymore, thank you.
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