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Entry from a White House Diary [View All]

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Dirty Hippie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-21-04 10:06 AM
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Entry from a White House Diary
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A young man claiming he worked in the White House gave me this report shortly after President George W. Bush told Tim Russert that "I expected there to be stockpiles of weapons " ("Meet the Press," 2/8/04).

At a White House staff meeting, the best and brightest of our extreme right, fundamentalist Christian gang discussed the logical flaw in the President's answer to Russert.

"Let's assume Bush was telling the truth," I told the others. "He actually thought Saddam Hussein possessed the deadly WMDs described by the President and so did his leading Cabinet members. So, wouldn't Saddam presumably have employed these deadly arms against US troops when they invaded?

The White House staff stared stupidly at me. A few nodded in agreement.

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