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Group Crowdsources Effort To Put Up Anti-Obama Billboards [View All]

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Joanne98 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-02-10 03:35 PM
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Group Crowdsources Effort To Put Up Anti-Obama Billboards
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Achieving an unlikely harmony between old and new media, an anonymous group of Atlanta business owners is using a website to crowdsource the funding of an anti-Obama billboard campaign.

The group -- Billboards Against Obama -- was formed several weeks ago, and has already put up several billboards in the Atlanta metro area, according to local news reports.

While the group plans to remain anonymous, they have asked life coach, motivational speaker, and New York Times bestselling author Tommy Newberry to act as their spokesman. Newberry told TPM that the group was united by a common frustration against Obama and a desire to do something with that feeling.

But why billboards?

"Where are the people? They're out driving around," Newberry told TPM in an interview.

On the group's website, people can contribute money, sponsor new billboards, and even contribute new billboard designs. "Be seen -- be heard -- before it's too late!" the site reads. "There is a war going on...a war for the future of America!"


by baldwinmathew April 2, 2010 2:14 PM EDT
So, it appears that no one can figure out who runs the anti-Obama
billboards in Atlanta.

I did a bit of sleuthing for you and determined who the anonymous
person behind the website is. Here is his

3639 Meadow Chase Drive
Marietta, Georgia 30062
United States

Registered through:, Inc. ( )
Created on: 09-Feb-10
Expires on: 09-Feb-12
Last Updated on: 09-Feb-10

Administrative Contact:
Fulkerson, Bradley
3639 Meadow Chase Drive
Marietta, Georgia 30062
United States
404-216-6743 Fax -- 770-973-2850

Technical Contact:
Fulkerson, Bradley
3639 Meadow Chase Drive
Marietta, Georgia 30062
United States
404-216-6743 Fax -- 770-973-2850

Domain servers in listed order:

This was pulled from the domain's WHOIS information, which is publicly
available. Here's the person's LinkedIn, professional information:

Bradley Fulkerson?s Summary

Provide tenant representation services to office and retail tenants
--lease negotiation and representation
--buyer/seller representation

Investment Sales
--buyer/seller representation
--looking for below replacement cost retail assets with reposition,
release and renovation upside potential

Bradley Fulkerson?s Specialties:
Office - Tenant Representation
Retail - Tenant Representation
Investment Sales - Buy/Sell Retail Real Estate

Bradley Fulkerson?s Experience

Realvest Services, Inc.
(Real Estate industry)
October 1988 ? Present (21 years 7 months)
Real Estate Investment and Development

Senior Vice President
(Real Estate industry)
1985 ? Present (25 years )
Office - Tenant Representation
Retail - Tenant Representation
Investment Sales - Buy/Sell Retail Real Estate

Bradley Fulkerson?s Education

Auburn University
BS , Building Science , 1981 ? 1984

DeKalb Christian Academy
1979 ? 1980

He owns the following additional website:

He works for: /

Then, just to confirm it's the correct person I cross-validated those
domains with the WHOIS information and the name / address / phone all
match up so it's the correct person.

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