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Packed courtroom for pastor-predator [View All]

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Joanne98 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-10-10 02:43 PM
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Packed courtroom for pastor-predator
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In Indiana, Southern Baptist pastor Daniel Moore, age 50, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for molesting a 15-year-old church girl.

When the girl’s mother showed up for the April 8th sentencing hearing, she encountered a courtroom packed with church members who were there to support the pastor.

The mother had been an active member of the church for nine years. Yet, once she went to the police, only two church members had ever even called to see how she and her family were doing.

This was a case in which the pastor’s DNA evidence was on the girl’s bedsheets.

Yet, even with such irrefutable evidence, and even with the pastor’s guilty plea, rather than reaching out to help the girl and her family, church members supported the pastor. It’s a sad pattern that we’ve seen in many, many cases.

Here are some excerpts from the victim’s impact statement that the mother made at the sentencing hearing:

“As time went on, I could see that he lied to me by using God and the Bible, to make me believe him and trust him, just as he did with my daughter. He brainwashed her into trusting him and I can understand how easy it was for him to do that to a child, because he had me believing his lies as well. …

I felt physically and emotionally sick that evening when the detective came to my house to remove the bed sheet off of my daughter’s bed and that is when I began having nightmares. . . .


Photo of the bastard at link.
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