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Reply #1: The Catholic Church and American rightwing "Christians" could learn a lot from these two [View All]

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Rabrrrrrr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-20-10 01:09 PM
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1. The Catholic Church and American rightwing "Christians" could learn a lot from these two
about confession, repentance, forgiveness, and - acknowledging I have no idea if there were any religious motivations for these two to write this letter - what a PROPER Christian response to one's sin is, which is, first and foremost, to recognize and admit that one has committed a sin, and then to confess it, seek reconciliation, ask for forgiveness, and strive to live better afterward.

Part of me hopes these two are atheists, just to show the Christian world how it fails to live up to what it should be.

Part of me hopes they're Christians to embarrass their fellow America-version of rightwing hate-based "Christianity" that equates God with America with America's military mission as some sort of SuperJesus holy mission that can use whatever it means it wants because, fer God's sake, we're God's chosen nation so normal rules of morality don't apply to us because whatever we do is, ipso facto, moral! (unless someone else does the same thing, then it's evil).

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