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Reply #9: Harman’s $1.5 million dollars invested in Goldman Sachs. [View All]

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IndianaGreen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-20-10 06:18 PM
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9.  Harman’s $1.5 million dollars invested in Goldman Sachs.
In addition, Norman Solomon asked Harman which caucus best displayed progressive values in Congress, the Blue Dogs or the Progressive Caucus. And Harman said something to the effect that she would be happy to join the Progressive Caucus, making it sound like she needed an invitation. Then Winograd and Harman sparred over job creation and Israel/Palestine issues and that was about it.

Right after this debate, which again was the first time Harman ever shared a stage with Winograd to my knowledge, the endorsement conference began. Winograd said that progressives must hold primaries when their leaders don’t act in the interests of the people, and made sure to mention Harman’s $1.5 million dollars invested in Goldman Sachs. Harman framed the endorsement as being “taken away” from the locals through the signature-gathering process and said that this the energy should be focused on defeating Republicans (some would say it is). In the end, Harman got 44 votes to Winograd’s 6 at the endorsement conference. This was not surprising, as it’s a meeting of party insiders and everyone’s name is read aloud describing their vote. If you want to get ahead in the party and a favored incumbent is standing there watching your vote, guess where you’re going to go. A lot of people switched from “no endorsement” in the pre-endorsement conference (Harman did not attend that) to Harman
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