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Dog Whistle for Prayer Warriors - Palin as Victim of Blood Libel [View All]

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Joanne98 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-11 03:51 PM
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Dog Whistle for Prayer Warriors - Palin as Victim of Blood Libel
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Edited on Sat Jan-15-11 03:55 PM by Joanne98
Part One

Palin's use of the term "blood libel" has caused a furor for reasons described in Chip Berlet's article. Journalists have speculated whether use of the term was inadvertent, with one writer stating that because Palin is from Alaska, she is "oblivious to the sensitivities and political correctness" of the lower 48. Palin knows her base and its sensitivities. Some of her supporters believe themselves to be the most persecuted and oppressed minority in American history. Their media warns that Christian patriots are the new Jews, headed for a holocaust at the hands of a "dangerous Marxist/Leftist/Homosexual/Islamic coalition." In a video titled "Marxism in America," (Ret.) Lt. Gen. William Boykin warns that Obama and his brown shirts (planned in the healthcare bill) are leading to an authoritarian state. The video was promoted on numerous Tea Party websites prior to the election. Militant imagery has become commonplace, including "spiritual mapping" featuring marked targets showing the location of demons which must be eliminated from communities. (More on this in Part Two.)

At the memorial service in Tucson, President Obama stated, "We can question each other's ideas without questioning each other's love of country." But for some sectors of the Religious Right, this is not about overheated rhetoric which can easily be toned down. They believe that they are fighting mortal enemies who are intentionally destroying America.. and who happen to be other Americans.

The underlying and growing anti-Semitism in these narratives has been evident for years to anyone who bothers to look at the books and videos being marketed to millions in the prophecy/conspiracy genre. The message is often camouflaged in Christian Zionist "pro-Israel" sentiments and many Jewish leaders have decided to look the other way. In these prophecy narratives all other religions are brutally destroyed, but there is a particular fixation on the humiliation and destruction of Judaism. Those promoting these narratives do not see them as anti-Semitic since they are convinced that they will save many Jews from eternal damnation.


Gen. Boykin's short video "Marxism in America" < link to transcript> was produced and promoted by the The Oak Initiative, a newer Religious Right organization based at Rick Joyner's MorningStar Ministries. Joyner, a leader in the apostolic and prophetic movement, and other apostles have described Palin as anointed by God - a belief that she appears to have taken to heart. In communications sent across the country, the apostles compared Palin to the biblical Esther or Deborah and even sang prophecies about the election.

Part one continued>>>>

Dog Whistle for Prayer Warriors - Palin as Victim of Blood Libel, Part Two

Part Two

Spiritual mapping, taught by many apostles and prophets of the New Apostolic Reformation and related ministries, involves marking the locations of so-called "demonic strongholds" on maps of a community or city. If it sounds a little like Palin's now infamous map of targets, it is. More importantly, the spiritual warfare practiced by those who believe that their prayers can eradicate the houses of worship, organizations, and businesses of those whom they don't approve, has no doubt desensitized them to the demonization of others.

The New Apostolic Reformation in Alaska

In Alaska the New Apostolic Reformation or "apostolic and prophetic" movement and the organizing of prayer warriors was spearheaded by Apostle Mary Glazier. Glazier spoke at a national convention about Palin joining her group at the age of 24 and Glazier continued to meet with Palin through the 2008 election, as confirmed by Charisma magazine.

Apostles and prophets throughout the movement celebrated Palin as having been "anointed" by God. This included a prophecy disseminated internationally by Glazier which was supposedly a vision indicating that Palin would take on the mantle of leadership after a death, presumably John McCain's.

This New Apostolic Reformation has introduced a whole new world of methodologies and lingo as part of its ideology. The most prominent feature is the teaching of "Strategic Level Spiritual Warfare" which is unique to the movement and accompanied by an array of militaristic terminology. This includes spiritual mapping, which is considered the "reconnaissance work" or spying required before prayer warfare can be effective.

Part two continued>>>>

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