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David Cote CEO Honeywell - businesses not hiring because of uncertainty re demand not regulations [View All]

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JohnWxy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-11 05:28 PM
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David Cote CEO Honeywell - businesses not hiring because of uncertainty re demand not regulations
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Who'd a thunk it! Nightly Business report scoops PBS News Hour with a bit of reality checking that you're NOT LIKELY to hear on PBS NewHour which is establishing itself as FoxNews-light Hour.

In an interview with David Cote, CEO of Honeywell, Cote said the unthinkable (in the Corporate Lobbyist world of disinformation- which alleges that businesses aren't hiring because they are afraid of the REGULATION MONSTER AAAUUUGGGHHH!!!!) ...That businesses hire based upon confidence in demand for their products NOT what the future MAY hold for regulations!!

.... GERSH: In Washington, the debate over hiring often seems stuck in finger-pointing over whether there is too much regulation or not enough government spending. Cote says the solution is in private sector demand.

COTE: I don`t think there are many CEOs out there who would say, geez, things are booming, but I`m uncertain on regulation, so I`m not going to hire people. While I`d be the first to admit that uncertainty on regulation doesn`t help, at the end of the day, I think the bigger driver is uncertainty of demand.

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