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Reply #8: This is one of the most repeated Big Lies of the Corporate Lobbyist party. That businesses [View All]

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JohnWxy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-11 03:33 PM
Response to Reply #6
8. This is one of the most repeated Big Lies of the Corporate Lobbyist party. That businesses
are concerned about regulatory unknowns and that causes them to hold off on hiring. It's more BULLSHIT from the Corporate Lobbyist party.

If businesses have growing sales which they feel confident will continue at the same level or will continue to grow they will hire. The biggest unknown in the last couple of years holding down business hiring has been whether the meagre recovery continue or stall. Of course this uncertainty was greatly strengthened by the Corporate Lobbyist Party fighting and filibustering EVERY EFFORT THE DEMS MADE TO STIMULATE THE ECONOMY - EVEN EXTENSION OF UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS. EVERYONE REALIZES KNOWS EXTENSION OF UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS IS NEEDED JUST TO KEEP THE ECONOMY FROM SINKING INTO A MAJOR DEPRESSION. Economists of all political persuasions have been in favor of unemployment benefits extensions as it would be economic suicide to stop them.

What's surprising is a business news show - which editorially is rather pro-business (to please an audience which they presume is mostly comprised of conservative twits) has interviewed more than one CEO who said just what Cote said. But you won't hear this truth on PBS's Newshour which is the flagship of PBS's effort to brand itself as the Faux News-light of broadcast tv - to attract more corporate advertizers and in performing for the Fascists in Congress - I assume to try to preclude even more cuts in Federal funding. The NewsHour repeats ad infinitum the Big-Lie that businesses are not hiring because they are waiting to see "all those" regulations Obama is going to put into law. They have repetitively shown Republicans say this like it's a fact but they have never pointed out that it's bullshit.

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