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Reply #9: Wages create demand. Wages have actually gone down by some $1,800 since 1973 according to a study [View All]

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Citizen Worker Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-11 05:00 PM
Response to Original message
9. Wages create demand. Wages have actually gone down by some $1,800 since 1973 according to a study
by the Brookings Institute published in November 2007. Absent increased wages to stimulate demand, and thus consumption, there is credit and we all know what's happened to credit. Wages have been arbitraged downward under the threat of companies moving to foreign countries unless their wage and benefit concessions are met. Solution: end the so called "free trade" agreements, reinstitute tariffs and develop a national industrial policy. These actions are no different than those of other nations signatory to the various trade agreements. The US stands alone when it comes to protecting basic domestic industry. Until this is reversed it is only going to get worse.
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