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Tom DeLay says he knows the best way to deal with potential killers at congressional town hall mtgs [View All]

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Amerigo Vespucci Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-11 05:36 PM
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Tom DeLay says he knows the best way to deal with potential killers at congressional town hall mtgs
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DeLay: Fill the crowd at Congressional town halls with Texans carrying guns

Fri, Jan 14, 2011

Wayne Slater/Reporter

Tom DeLay says he knows the best way to deal with a potential killer at a congressional town hall meeting: fill the crowd with Texans carrying concealed weapons. DeLay was on Chris Matthews' show Hardball today on MSNBC. The former House majority leader defended himself against his conviction on money-laundering charges. He was sentenced Monday to three years in prison and the case is on appeal.

In the wake of the shooting in Arizona that left several people dead and a congresswoman in critical condition in the hospital, Matthews asked DeLay about gun control. DeLay said he has no problem with Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert's suggestion that members of Congress should be allowed to carry guns onto the floor of the House and Senate. And he said he'd liked to have seen a few more guns in the crowd in Arizona when a deranged man started shooting a semiautomatic pistol.

"If I had a town meeting and was still in Congress, I'd invite all the Texans who have a concealed weapons license to my town meeting and I'd advertise it. Because the person who wanted to come shoot me would have to think once again about committing suicide walking into my town hall meeting."
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