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Reply #3: Similarly as the German citizens under the Nazis regime... [View All]

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clixtox Donating Member (941 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-11 03:45 AM
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3. Similarly as the German citizens under the Nazis regime...

were proud to be "good Germans", we Americans(US) today seem to revel in our going along with the continuing, unrelenting, brutal program of war crimes, mass murder, torture, racism, invasions, occupations and adroit propaganda occurring in our names, at home and literally around the world.

The question has to be: How long will the American(US) citizens(Sheeple) allow these policies to continue concurrent with the bankrupting of our government, growing poverty, disappearance of the "middle class" and ending of the citizens former rights once guaranteed by the "Bill of Rights", the first ten amendments of the United States Constitution?

Somethings got to give, this situation isn't sustainable for much longer...
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