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Reply #6: Of course not! [View All]

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scottcsmith Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-18-04 07:23 PM
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6. Of course not!
Edited on Wed Feb-18-04 07:26 PM by scottcsmith
I don't want to get too excited over a November victory, either. However, the feeling of dread I had a year ago that a Bush victory was a sure thing has changed. Now I believe Bush will have a real fight on his hands, and he will not have the Supreme Court on his side. This will be one of the few times in his life that Bush has had to earn something based on his own merits. And unless the economy turns around, two million jobs are created, Osama Bin Laden is found, and Americans stop dying in Iraq, by November, Bush will have to actually campaign. Right now, what does he have? Tax cuts for the wealthy. That's it. There are not any other big domestic programs the Bush administration has created. People can argue that we're safer than 9/11, but that's due to a fallacy in logic, namely, Bush has done a good job since there have not been any other attacks in the United States by terrorists. Well, that could be due to Bush's policies, but I suspect is has more to do with the terrorists wanting to harm us by proxy, attacking our allies in the Middle East and other locations.

Bush will trot out the capture of Saddam Hussein. I hope when he does, Americans remember that we went to war in Iraq not to capture Saddam Hussein, but to disarm Iraq and uncover huge stockpiles of weapons. I think the WMD issue is going to come back and bite Bush in the ass. Especially if Americans continue to die in Iraq.

So, I'm crossing my fingers. A Bush victory in November is no longer a sure thing.
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