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Reply #4: They're powerful? [View All]

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sweetheart Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 06:14 AM
Response to Original message
4. They're powerful?
Mincing words, they have the appearance of power, whilst in truth having very little of their own.

The right is powerful by scaring the public and absorbing the authority that everyone concedes to them in fear. Much how a bully claims to be powerful.

Their real power, however, comes from folks they've brainwashed and keep brainwashed... just like in the matrix, except its not so dramatic as big capsules of bodies plugged in to batteries. Rather this power flows cleanly and simply towards them when people buy in to their lies. It is "we the people" who make the republicans appear

Every step you take towards not supporting them is a threat to them. They want to take your life force, and this is done by simply taking your time, as in front of the TV set, your money in taxes, your children in war. They are a cancer killing off the healthy cells by transforming them on contact... largely as the cells they infect are not prepared or wise to the methods of attack. Every time you touch that administration in thought or in deed, you give them your power. Were you to count all those events in a day, over the course of time, you can see how deeply they surround even good hearted wise people. If you eliminate the sources of contact, at least your own power will not go to them, and this is the main prayer of strength for healthy society.
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