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Nancy Skinner For Illinois Senator [View All]

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NNN0LHI Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 01:50 AM
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Nancy Skinner For Illinois Senator
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Illinois voters deserve a Senator who will offer concrete solutions to our
most pressing problems, not just slick 30-second sound bytes. I am
bringing my "Skinner Solutions" directly to you – so you can make an
informed decision in the IL Democratic primary election on March 16.

Skinner Solution #1 – Operation U.S. Jobs

We must stem the tide of jobs moving offshore and create new employment
opportunities here in the US. Here is my plan to accomplish that goal:

Phase 1: Repeal the tax cuts

We’ve actually been financing the elimination of more than 2.5 million
manufacturing jobs here in the U.S.! Rather than giving multinationals tax
incentives for sending jobs to Third World nations, I propose providing
tax incentives for those employers who are working to create new
opportunities right here in the United States. President Bush squandered
the surplus on tax cuts for the mega-rich. In order to provide real
economic stimulus, I would repeal the tax cuts for couples making over

Phase 2: Create jobs here in the US

As a country, we must make a commitment to investing in new industries
with the potential to create new jobs that are not easily transferable to
other countries. With just $4 billion -- what we spend in Iraq each week
-- we could equip 10-20% of the nation's fueling stations with the
hydrogen fueling appliance that would help to mass market the hydrogen
fuel cell car that all three US automakers have in prototype. Investments
in the fuel cell industry will create good jobs, end our addiction to
Middle East oil and protect our environment.

Phase 3: Reengineer our trade agreements

The result of NAFTA at 10 years is in: The experiment was a failure in
terms of producing the high-paying good jobs we were promised. Rather,
American companies began moving both low- and well-paying jobs overseas,
shutting down plants and laying off workers. Overseas workers haven’t
benefited. In countries where human rights are ignored, wages continue to
be subhuman, and environmental standards are much lower than our own. We
must go back and reengineer every single trade agreement, offering
preferable tariff rates to countries that offer their people a living wage
or to those countries that provide access to our markets.

Full Text of Skinner Solution #1 - Operation US Jobs at:

As your U.S. Senator, I will work hard to create new jobs here in the
United States by providing direct tax incentives to American manufacturers
that are maintaining and increasing domestic production. The primary
election is March 16th - MY BIRTHDAY! Let's celebrate together by giving
Illinois citizens a new voice in the U.S. Senate.

- Nancy Skinner

Please take 1 minute to forward this email to 10 friends so they can read
Skinner Solutions for themselves. The power to change politics is in YOUR
hands – don’t hand it to the corporate interests!

Donate $135 today and get a "Best of Nancy Skinner" DVD:

Paid for and authorized by:
Skinner for Senate 2004
3105 North Ashland
Chicago, IL 60657
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