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Reply #1: I've been listening to him for about a month and a half now [View All]

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underpants Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 10:00 AM
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1. I've been listening to him for about a month and a half now
Just on the 10-15 minute ride home. I heard that yesterday too.

That guy doesn't have a clue what he is doing. Aside from outright lies and total fabrications (He is STILL on the Kerry-Fonda photoS) he just doesn't know how to run a show. As a friend of mine says ,"It's hard to beat the guy with the mic" (he listens to talkradio pol and sports at work) but Hannity doesn't know how to do it. Hate Rush all you want but at least he knows how to filter/direct his show the way he wants it to go and in some reasonable-followable manner.

Hannity interrupts people who agree with him, just this week he got into an argument with Ted Sampley of the "Vietnam Vets against John Kerry" over the validity of Kerry's medals, THE GUY WAS ON TO GIVE CREEDENCE TO HANNITY'S KERRY BASHING and Hannity got off topic and continually interrupted where Sampley was trying to go with his pitch.

It is almost embarassing to listen to. If I could get through he wouldn't stand a chance.

All of this is evidence that he is just another talking head creation of the VRWC. Where did he come from to suddenly have a TV show and national radio show?
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