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Howard, We Never Knew Ye [View All]

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sweetcee Donating Member (93 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 02:11 PM
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Howard, We Never Knew Ye
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The trouble with the Howard Dean who today ended his candidacy for president wasn't that he was too liberal, or too crazy, or too much of a Washington outsider to win the Democratic nomination. The trouble was that he didn't exist.


Some of the "left-liberal" positions the hologram trumpeted during the campaign were entirely in tune with the real Howard Dean. It was a sober impulse, not a radical one, to oppose sending troops into Iraq while Osama Bin Laden remained at large. Similarly, by supporting civil unions for homosexuals, Dean simply reiterated the support he'd given the nation's first civil union law while governor. As has been widely been noted, lending government sanction to longterm single-sex relationships was a fundamentally conservative gesture.


I never liked Dean and wonder what everyone thinks of this good article; Dean supporters and others alike. Thank you.

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