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Reply #2: and everyone is worried about vaccines. [View All]

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SeattleDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 02:51 PM
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2. and everyone is worried about vaccines.
Edited on Thu Feb-19-04 02:56 PM by SeattleDem
I hate to say this, but this article, sadly, adds some weight to what I've argued here and elsewhere about the rising incidence of autism.

Many, many people believe that thimerosol, a mercury-related preservative that used to be in vaccines, is causing the rise in autism. There is very little data to support such an assertion and for several biologic reasons, it doesn't add up.

I've always argued that if autism is related to mercury toxicity, it is far, far more likely due to exposure in utero. Our water from which we get fish, our air that we breathe, the soil in which we grow our food is all contaminated with mercury.

People who are up in arms about vaccines and refusing to vaccinate their children really need to get on the environmental band wagon with me - it is an absolute outrage how we've poisoned our environment, and now our children.

Having a severely autistic relative, I can speak first-hand about the condition and the wear and tear on the family and the need to find the cause(s) NOW and find better treatments.

on edit: can this topic be moved to "Health" so it sticks around a few days?
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