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State sued over e-voting -- Calif. [View All]

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donsu Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 02:52 PM
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State sued over e-voting -- Calif.
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Two weeks before California's March 2 primary, a group that includes Benicia resident Doug MacDonald and his activist organization, Community Labor Alliance, is asking a judge to make counties install new safeguards on electronic voting machines before voting in the upcoming elections begins.

A request for a temporary injunction was filed Tuesday in Sacramento County Superior Court by citizens from Solano, Sacramento, San Diego and Stanislaus counties, as well as a woman from Washington. The citizens are alleging widespread potential security glitches if electronic voting machines are used.

The group is asking that up to 18 counties using machines made by Ohio-based Diebold Election Systems add more safeguards to protect them against hackers.


Diebold has consistently maintained that its voting systems are effective and safe and have accused critics of a "multitude of false conclusions."

don'cha love that "multitude of false conclusions."
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