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Reply #11: This is bad news for the Economy [View All]

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kurtyboy Donating Member (968 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-21-04 02:21 AM
Response to Reply #6
11. This is bad news for the Economy
The cuts are about to lose the tiny little boost they gave the US in the final quarter of 2003. Now the rebate chickens come home to roost--and none of us have the $ to spend for the next three months. FEB-MAR-APR have always been my toughest months, and without a decent refund, consumption will drop even further (But I'm fine--I got no kids. I empathize with those of you who do...)

Bush* is about to see a steep slide in consumer confidence--his advisors screwed him, and the rest of us, yet again. I am sad that we have to get our landslide in November because of all of the suffering in the months prior.

Side note---Did you catch Bill Moyers tonight? A Civil Rights attorney named Constance {Connie} Rice (no relation) was explaining her version of "Robin Hood Law." She sues the rich to help the poor--to the tune of about $6 billion so far. During her interview, she mentioned that rural whites make up the fastest growing segment of poverty in the US. That CANNOT BE GOOD for *!
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