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Reply #4: Everything went wrong [View All]

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For PaisAn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-21-04 12:52 AM
Response to Original message
4. Everything went wrong
He is a great choice. He was the best candidate and the best to beat Bush.
1) Didn't run in Iowa
2) Media trashed or ignored him
3) Media & DNC promoted and manipulated the "Great Momentum"
4) Inferior Campaign advisors
5) Late entry into the race
6) Dishonest negative attacks by other Democratic candidates
7) Inexperienced in political jargon. Clark communicates on a complex and thorough level. People want short sound bites and are not interested in substance. If you ask Clark a question you'll get a thoughtful, comprehensive and detailed answer. Perhaps he is too intellectual.
8) Etc.
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