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MSNBC's Glenn Reynolds: "More On Outsourcing" [View All]

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Bush_Eats_Beef Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-29-04 11:53 AM
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MSNBC's Glenn Reynolds: "More On Outsourcing"
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Not a lot of new info here but a nicely framed aspect of the debate:

"Meanwhile, Tom Friedman has a column in today's New York Times that argues that outsourcing actually creates jobs in America:

"How can it be good for America to have all these Indians doing our white-collar jobs?" I asked 24/7's founder, S. Nagarajan.
Well, he answered patiently, "look around this office." All the computers are from Compaq. The basic software is from Microsoft. The phones are from Lucent. The air-conditioning is by Carrier, and even the bottled water is by Coke, because when it comes to drinking water in India, people want a trusted brand. On top of all this, says Mr. Nagarajan, 90 percent of the shares in 24/7 are owned by U.S. investors. This explains why, although the U.S. has lost some service jobs to India, total exports from U.S. companies to India have grown from $2.5 billion in 1990 to $4.1 billion in 2002. What goes around comes around, and also benefits Americans."

Except those who are out of work and can't afford a Coke in the U.S.A., that is.
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