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Reply #6: Friedman - a cheerleader for the Iraq War? [View All]

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terisel Donating Member (217 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-29-04 12:35 PM
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6. Friedman - a cheerleader for the Iraq War?
Edited on Sun Feb-29-04 12:38 PM by terisel
I've been outsourcing Thomas Friedman.

I've stopped reading Friedman's corporate-investor propaganda. When I go to the NY Times editorial page I now choose to read their foreign links-such as The Guardian editorial. So I'm letting the Guardian and others provide me with opinion rather than Friedman.

Ever notice how so many of Friedman's columns mention his lunching with someone ? He is like a gossip columnist. There is no depth.

His column today is an advertisement for outsourcing under the guise of making the world safer for our 20 year olds. This is despicable.

Was he not a cheerleader for the Iraq War which is still murdering our 20 year olds ? Has he apologized or made reparations?

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