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Reply #4: We'll see more scandal and disgrace uncovered when the Dems take change [View All]

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Lyric Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-01-07 12:22 AM
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4. We'll see more scandal and disgrace uncovered when the Dems take change
We'll probably see at least one government official convicted of some sort of misconduct.

Karl Rove WILL resign. The man has become a political liability.

Rush Limbaugh will get caught getting jiggly with a prostitute. There will be photographic evidence. It will NOT be pretty.

Martin Sheen will announce his candidacy for the Presidency in 2008. The Governator will implode with envy. Many people will laugh, but a surprising number of people will seriously consider voting for "Jed Bartlett" when they see how icky the rest of the field is looking.

Someone will finally invent a flying car, but the automobile and oil industries will smother the research to death because it'll run on hydrogen and/or electricity.

At least one major corporation will file for a corporate welfare bailout when it gets caught cooking the books and/or evading millions in taxes. Meanwhile, the IRS will continue harassing the minimum wage grocery store clerk who got the Earned Income Tax Credit for her two kids.

On a brighter note, ThinkBlue2006 will ace all of her college courses and wind up on the Dean's List for the Spring 2007 semester!

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