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Ella Fitzgerald to be honored w/ a postage stamp. [View All]

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ronnykmarshall Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-09-07 02:08 PM
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Ella Fitzgerald to be honored w/ a postage stamp.
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Edited on Tue Jan-09-07 02:09 PM by ronnykmarshall

Ella Fitzgerald stamp to debut in January ‘07


Ella Fitzgerald will be immortalized near the end of January as the 30th honoree in the Postal Service's Black Heritage series.

Fitzgerald (1917-1996) was widely known as "The First Lady of Song." Her extraordinary vocal range and flexibility, combined with her gift for pitch, rhythmic sense, and flawless diction, made her a favorite of fans, songwriters and other singers. The stamp portrait, based on a photograph taken circa 1956, is by famed illustrator Paul Davis, who captured the joy and excitement that Fitzgerald brought to her music.

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