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Reply #10: Here's my HO: [View All]

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lildreamer316 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-09-07 05:28 PM
Response to Original message
10. Here's my HO:
Edited on Tue Jan-09-07 05:33 PM by lildreamer316
1-Rent Car. Cheaper than the plane and maybe the train. Of course make sure you have a navigation unit. Downside-have to do everything yourself even if you are tired. If you're not used to our road systems for some reason; can be pain in ass.
2-PASSENGER train. Again; not as expensive as plane; and if there is a good route to pick you could see some nice scenery AND not have to do anything yourself except get on and off and eat. Downside-there may not be a scenic route;and that could be VERY ugly.
3-Plane. Worth the expense for the fast arrival. Downside-security. Possibly shitteous service.
4-Bus. I would really not suggest this unless you have a ton of time to waste and really really love people.Really.

OH! I forgot to mention: It might be easier (but maybe not) to buy said hypothetical Wii's and have them (securely!--signature) shipped to yourself rather than trying to explain them/having them manhandled at airport security and customs in and out of the country. I dunno; I could be wrong. If you pack them yourself and ship from a friend's house you can be pretty sure they'll get where they are supposed to go if you use a good carrier.
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