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I have to go to a wedding reception today. For a friend of mine I was insanely attracted to. [View All]

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BreweryYardRat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-08-07 07:24 AM
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I have to go to a wedding reception today. For a friend of mine I was insanely attracted to.
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She met her now-husband like two weeks after I first met her, about the time I was getting up the nerve to ask her out. (I didn't, because she mentioned she had a boyfriend in casual conversation before I said anything) I was hoping they'd break up. Obviously, they didn't.

*sigh* I know I should be happy for her, but it's been like knives in the back ever since she announced she was engaged. And pregnant with his kid. After only a year and a half in the relationship.

Worst part? I'm going to have to stay stone sober through the whole thing, or risk blurting out something I really don't need to blurt out.

When I get done, I'm gonna go find somewhere that doesn't check ID and drink myself fucking blind. Thank fucking God I'm moving out of this fucking state after graduation -- if I had to deal with my nose getting rubbed in it for God knows how long, I'd probably shoot myself. It's gonna be a long damned year and a half until graduation, though.

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