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For everything turn ..turn.. turn.. [View All]

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Guava Jelly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-30-07 03:25 PM
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For everything turn ..turn.. turn..
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There is a season I have read for all things under the sun.
A time to live and a time to die.
As I sit here typing this superfluous letter on my digital pad..
I wonder if I will even post this.
I think of the year that has passed,and the year before,And the year before that.
I think of the seasons I have lived through.
I look back in horror and disbelief over the state of mind I was in.
And I read over and over in my mind the echoes of friendly replies from loving strangers who cared just enough to be a friend to me.
And I also see things that make me wonder.
Will I look back in 2009 and think I should of, or I would of? Or will I be content?
Will I have won the lottery or will tragedy have stricken me?
Should I even worry?
Life is a process of learning and change, and even when change seems to have forgotten you,it hasn't.
What will 2008 bring?
And what did 2007 bring for me besides a much needed farewell to 2006?
It brought me wisdom.
It taught me that a friend you have never met can be just as valuable as one who lives next door.
It taught me that no greater teacher exist than time.
It taught me that I can..If I really want to.
Time heals,time ages,and time kills.
Time will beat you down yet lift you up.
Most vile of foe's and yet our greatest friend.
I enter 2008 with the eyes of a newborn.
I enter it with hope.
I enter it with you..

And with that I bite my tongue and close my eyes, pour a glass of Vino and hit post message.

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