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did you know that there is 5-9lbs of lead dust in every PC monitor & TV ? [View All]

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ElsewheresDaughter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-14-04 01:27 PM
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did you know that there is 5-9lbs of lead dust in every PC monitor & TV ?
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Edited on Sat Feb-14-04 01:29 PM by ElsewheresDaughter
..also mercury, cadmium, chromium and arsenic ...jays'us h christ! there's an E-waste Tsunami ready to roll across the US! Are we ready for it?

Did you get a new computer or television last year? Where is the old one going? Millions (300/500 million) of aging televisions and obsolete computers gather cobwebs in basements and attics. Tons more sit in landfills.

Each of those defunct TV sets or computer screens contains a serious problem - a cathode ray tube (CRT) that contains four to eight pounds of lead, plus cadmium, mercury, toxic solvents and chemicals. When old sets and outdated computers are sent to the landfill, they are crushed, creating potential to release heavy metals and other toxic chemicals into the environment.

and on 911 they estimate that there were 50,000 PC monitors, 300 main frame computers, thousands of scanners, and fax machines, just in WTC1 and WTC 2 never mind the 7 other buildings demolished :scared:

multiply that times 5-9 lbs of lead per .....NYers DON'T BREATHE no matter what their fucking telling you!
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