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Reply #2: "the spicy scent of a foreign port" - that sounds nice [View All]

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cosmicdot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-14-04 05:31 PM
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2. "the spicy scent of a foreign port" - that sounds nice
what would Marseille's scent be?

Having grown up in the Norfolk, VA area - with its many links to the sea, a Dad who worked in the Norfolk Naval Ship Yard in Portsmouth, VA, as well as a brother ... a cousin who retired from the Navy, too, and now lives full-time a-sea with his wife ... I used to have a USS Independence tie clip ... having had a life next to the Chesapeake Bay, just blocks from Fort Story, where one of Dad's brothers was 2nd in command and we would watch the Pilot Ship bring an officer to shore ... and, hearing the Cape Henry lighthouse during a fog ... a walk to the beach and the lights of ships and more were part of the view ... and, always the sea air ...

I understand.

Very nice.

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