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Reply #20: ear candling
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Thu Feb-19-04 01:34 PM
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justin's wife opinion: to clearly answer your question about ear candling is simple. I've studied alternative medicine for 12 years and manage a health food store. I am not a practicing pracitioner,only a nursing student but I thought this might help clear up any confusion.
This is my personal opinion about ear candles. This is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose any medical condition. Ear candling is not intended to be used in place of regular medical intervention. Only use the ear candles in the way they are intended to be used for therapetic purposes. You never want to used a ear candle if there is a possiblity or a known ear infection. And is suggested to be used only every 3- 4 months or more as rountine maintance to balance and prevent excess ear wax build up. Next time you see you doctor please discuss this with them before trying, some people may have other types of medical complications or illness that you would not want to used this type of prevention. You do not want to cause any harm to yourself or to others in the process.
The candles are made of cheese cloth wich is formed into a tapered cone shape and then dripped into a natural beeswax which is either unbleached or bleached. You will need another person to help you. Have the other person light the candle on the fatter end. The narrow tamper end of the candle is then gently put into the ear. Just into the outer edges of your ear do not pushed deep into the ear canal. *It is suggested to always have someone else hold the candle while you are laying down comfortably on a bed or cot. It does take about 10-15 minutes. Some people find it more comforting to cut a small hole into a paper plate or aluminum foil and place the ear candle in the middle. The side peripheral vision makes objects appear closer then maybe. This can help with any anxiety of seeing a fire that close to your head. Let the candle burn down about 3-5 inches or until person is feeling uncomfortable. *Make sure you have a cup of water close to where the candling is be performed. This insures safe extinguishing of the ear candle. Do not perform on someone who may have alot of hair spray or gel in their hair and make sure the hair is out of the way of the ear lobe. You want to use common sense to prevent and not harm to someone in the process. Also use only one candle per ear. This creates a suction and vaccum has been know to loosen or pull out any excess wax that might be building up in the ear canal. It is not intended to be used in place of regular medical interventions. Some people feel it's safer to use as a substitute to sticking a Q-tip into your ear. Everyone production of wax build up is different and you do need to have some in your ear for many reasons. Refer to a medical reference book or look at medical site on line. *Talk to your doctor before using and check out other sources to vertify this information for yourself. A local health food store or online are two good sources.
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