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Reply #3: My favorite cover band [View All]

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gmoney Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 06:40 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. My favorite cover band
Saw an amazing "hometown" show at Bogart's on their Black Love tour... started with Prince's "The Cross" and ended with a huge rave of Prince's "I Could Never Take the Place of Your Man." In between, all their best stuff, and a special version of "Moon River" for Greg's mom who was there for her birthday. Would pay a pretty penny for a decent videotape of THAT show...

Other favorite covers done by the Whigs were their versions of TLC's "Creep" and an incredibly sinister "If I Only Had a Heart" from the Wizard of Oz... plus that song from "Jesus Christ Superstar" on "Congregation."

In a way, they were sort of like Soul Asylum... one transcendent album in the middle of an otherwise so-so -- if lengthy -- career.

The first Twilight Singers album was just OK. Haven't heard the new one yet.

(Anyone care to discuss Cincinnati's other favorite sons, the criminally underrated Ass Ponys? Chuck Cleaver is his generation's Flannery O'Conner. Brilliant... pick up "Lohio" if you have a chance.)
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