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Jesse James' Nazi mistress claims he lied, said he was "separated and not living with Bullock" [View All]

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Amerigo Vespucci Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-12-10 04:46 PM
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Jesse James' Nazi mistress claims he lied, said he was "separated and not living with Bullock"
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Michelle McGee: 'Sandra, I'm sorry...'

Michelle McGee details her affair with Jesse James in a new interview with Australian TV show Today Tonight. You can see the video here. She also apologizes to Sandra Bullock.

"I feed bad for Sandra," McGee says. When asked what she would say to the Oscar winner, 45, McGee replies, "I want to give her a heartfelt apology. ... Sandra, I'm sorry for your embarrassment. I'm sorry all this is public. I'm sorry for everything."

McGee says she understands what Bullock is "going through. "She must be hurt, devastated, upset, embarrassed," she adds. "I'm sorry for her embarrassment and pain. I do feel really bad about it."

McGee said James, who was "very sweet," told her he and Bullock were separated and "did not live together." She blames him for claiming he was separated from Bullock when she first hooked up with him. "I feel like I was duped just as much as Sandra was. I feel like I was lied to just as much as she was," she says. "If Jesse was upfront with me in the beginning, we wouldn't be in this situation."
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