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Reply #5: That guy could really drive. [View All]

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RandomThoughts Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-11 10:30 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. That guy could really drive.
Edited on Mon Jan-17-11 11:05 PM by RandomThoughts

Hence the need for balance.

Another good drinking song.

Ludacris - Get Back

Jimmy Buffet: Margaritaville

Some of the fortified wines, I actually used to occasionally sip such concoctions, they are a bit sweet though can have a touch of a head ache also, and although not picky, nor with looking down on those with less finances, been thinking more about some sipp'n wiskey :D

Jameson's Irish Whiskey Commercial

So I look forward to someone sending the balance in cash that is due.

Jack Daniel's "Label Story": Old No. 7

I have an idea of the answer to that.

Seven women in a persons life is about heavenly angels. Also in an Eagles song.

I remember staying near the 'Thunderbird' Hotel up at Neah Bay when we use to stay on the reservation for deep sea fishing off of Seal Island. They got a buoy out there called 'whistler' so if you find yourself in a fog you can still find your bearings. Actually that is what I think of as the bridge, two feet secured on the material of beer and travel money, while your head is in the clouds. A concept of balance is how I think of it.

Then again, good memories of when I used to live with Patty also, and we used to drink at the 'Tides Tavern' in Gig Harbor, good times.

Side note.

A Time Lord may not have anything to do with time travel, but being about spending the time to think and feel on concepts and what is important in many areas of existence.

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