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OMG, I'm surrounded by lizard people! [View All]

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RoseMead Donating Member (953 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-11 01:30 PM
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OMG, I'm surrounded by lizard people!
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Or at least, people who believe in lizard people.

Before the shooting tragedy in Arizona, I had never heard of David Icke. He only came to my attention because someone - I think it was one of the people from the SPLC - said in an interview that Loughner may have been influenced by some of Icke's teachings, based on some of the language in Loughner's You Tube videos. Once I saw a photo of Icke, I realized that he looked sort of familiar. I figured I'd seen him on TV at some point. I read about his weirdness, shrugged and moved on. I didn't give it much thought.

Well...let me tell you, over the past week I have encountered five different people in my circle of friends and acquaintances who not only know who Icke is, but who apparently believe everything he has to say. I've had these people argue with me about it and send me videos; the latest was a video of some announcer on CNN that supposedly reveals the lizard-reality for a few seconds (what it really shows is the light reflecting off the guy's eyelids when he blinks). My husband also was given a lecture by a friend of his today about the "truth" surrounding the Denver International Airport and the connection that has to the lizard people, etc.

This is kind of freaking me out. It's one thing to understand that there are oddball conspiracy theories out there, and another to have people you've known for years suddenly popping up to tell you how it's all REAL! REAL, I TELL YOU!

On the one hand, I can't help laughing about it. On the other hand, it's a little unsettling to see how wide-spread this stuff apparently is.

Lizard people. They're comin' fer ya! It's all truuuuuuue! :crazy:
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