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Reply #5: Most of that wierdness isn't all that weird, though [View All]

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RoseMead Donating Member (953 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-18-11 08:23 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. Most of that wierdness isn't all that weird, though
I'd actually heard some of the claims about DIA. Some of the stuff people think is weird is either misinterpretation, as in the case of the Tanguma murals, or misunderstanding, as in the case of the Masonic symbol on the capstone (laying capstones with time capsules in them is something Masons do all the time. There's nothing nefarious about it.)

The biggest problem I ever saw with DIA was that the project was horribly mismanaged, leading to huge cost and time overruns.

I do dig the freaky blue horse statue, and the haiku that's resulted from it. lol

I ran across this article when I was looking up stuff on DIA for my husband, since he'd never heard the conspiracies about it before. It seems pretty well done, the reporter interviewed Leo Tanguma and some of the other people involved in the planning and construction of the airport.

DIA Conspiracies Take Off

I also enjoyed reading Tanguma's explanation of his mural "In Peace and Harmony With Nature," that can be found on his website:
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