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There was an error on John Stewart Show. [View All]

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RandomThoughts Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-27-11 04:47 AM
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There was an error on John Stewart Show.
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Edited on Fri May-27-11 04:59 AM by RandomThoughts
There was a guy, he was talking about psychopaths, and it is true that is a problem in society.

But the specific story he told was an error, he did not have wood craft in thinking on that.

The conversation was he went and talked to a psychopath, and the psychopath wanted him to like him.

Then he said that is not how a psychopath acts, then the person said he gets people to like him to manipulate them.

That guy is not a Psychopath, he wants love, and the comment about attempts to get someone to like him, those comments being rejected, saying he was not 'tough' or finding how his 'niceness' was wrong, hurt him, and he adjusted his comment to explain why he was being that way.

Both of those actions are attempts to please someone, his being nice, and then his answer, fitting the role the guy interviewing him wanted him to fit.

He was not being psychopathic, he was trying to please. Sure he knows how to be a mean person, but a psychopath would not have said what he said. That is someone wanting acceptance, the opposite of what that interviewer guy thinks, if he had empathy he would have seen the guys moment of hesitation and hurt before changing how he was answering when asked that.

It is like the guy in a confession that confesses to get approval from the interviewer. Really with love and sharing you can help someone like that guy, it does not excuse his past actions, but he is not psychopathic, but he might let people think that if it pleases them.

That writer still has a bit to learn. Although his interviews are interesting to think on.

The guy he called a psychopath, is probably a submissive that was being driven by something supernatural when doing much harm, and he was trying to please that thing without heart or reason.

And for humor, even if it might be bad form, it probably will be funny.


Side note, The highlander has many errors in it.
Try to avoid the errors in that doctrine, Although there are some good stuff in that song and movie also.

I like the idea of Servants of All, as do most that rule, as they help those below them up.

Brothers in Arms - Dire Straits

Bonnie Raitt - I Can't Make You Love Me

Bonnie Raitt - Nick of Time

Nickelback - If Everyone Cared

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