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We have our very first kitteh! He's orange and playful and ......different from dogs..... [View All]

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Rowdyboy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-19-11 11:34 PM
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We have our very first kitteh! He's orange and playful and ......different from dogs.....
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Edited on Sat Nov-19-11 11:36 PM by Rowdyboy
My partner and I are dog people (he's had one dog or another for over 50 years but neither of us have ever had a cat). Last year we had the back yard fenced and soon a pregnant cat left us an unexpected gift. Out of the blue we had a small orange blur dodging our feet, desperately trying to tell us he was starving. We surely didn't want a cat but my partner reluctantly asked me to buy food. Four months later, we have a kitteh.

Our dog, a 12 year old Jack Russell isn't impressed but she's very easy going so its not a problem. The cat, born under our house is completely domesticated, loves belly rubs and tuna, and has had all his shots (as of yesterday). His name is Skimbleshanks (Yes, we love "Cats") but we just call him Hank (or more often Orange Kitty). Michael swears he'll be an "outside" cat. We'll see.

Anyway, wish me well on my new adventure.
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