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Reply #6: I doubt that. [View All]

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Xithras Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-21-11 03:48 PM
Response to Reply #2
6. I doubt that.
Edited on Mon Nov-21-11 03:50 PM by Xithras
As I said, I know this guy pretty well. I'm a bi-man married to a bi-woman, and while I wouldn't describe my own marriage as "open", we're far more permissive about this sort of thing than most people would be. My friends are all aware of this, and I've had more than a few conversations with friends about my marriage (which includes him). This particular friend is more of a "traditional marriage" believer, and has said to me, point blank: "I couldn't do what you do. If I found out that my wife slept with someone else, my marriage would be over." He was genuinely bewildered by my "it's just sex" attitude. My wife was in the room when he said that a couple years ago, and she reminded me about the comment while we were talking last night.

He's a great guy, but he's a strong believer in the whole "married, to the exclusion of all others, until death do us part" kind of person. I'd be stunned if he knew about it and didn't say anything.

Of course, you really do never know. I found out a few years ago that another pair of my friends had been swingers for years. I had no clue, and would have laughed at the suggestion. So who knows :shrug:
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