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Reply #8: No, I absolutely don't want to do that. [View All]

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Xithras Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-21-11 03:56 PM
Response to Reply #4
8. No, I absolutely don't want to do that.
My wife brought that idea up last night. She wanted to confront her with a "Stop doing this or I'll tell your husband" ultimatum. Ultimately, I think that injecting ourselves into the middle of this is a terrible idea. Even worse, if the wife AGREED and then the husband later found out anyway, that would make us part of the "conspiracy" that kept it hidden from him. It makes us an accessory to the deception in their marriage.

If I had a role, it would simply be to inform him. Even that might be done anonymously, just to keep my name out of it. The wife is unaware that we know about her affair, so we have the power to drop-dime without taking any heat for it. I already know that I don't want any more involvement than that.
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