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Reply #12: No WAY would I get up in that--in ANY way shape or form. [View All]

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davsand Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-21-11 04:10 PM
Response to Original message
12. No WAY would I get up in that--in ANY way shape or form.
You have heard the old phrase, "Shoot the messenger" haven't you? Ain't nobody gonna thank you for taking that news anyplace at all. He'll be pissed at you because you are the messenger, and she'll be pissed at you for ratting her out.

Either way, they are the ones that have to work it out and deal with the emotional mess. If you allow them to do it as they will (in their own time) you can maybe help them both while they are dealing with the aftermath. You inserting yourself in it is not gonna help anybody and it will most certainly cost you both of your friendships.

Run as fast and as far as you can, and convince yourself that you really don't KNOW anything--you just suspect it--and never admit to even that much except under extreme duress or under the influence of massive amounts of truth serum.

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