Edited on Mon Nov-21-11 05:20 PM by Xithras
Here's the situation: My wife went out with this friend and another friend on Saturday night, and ended up at a local bar having a few drinks. A short while after getting there, one of the cheaters "friends" showed up, who she introduced as "an old friend from school". My wife said that she was genuinely excited when he showed up, and that she thought that it was unplanned...they really just ran into each other. While they sat around talking, it became clear that the two saw each other regularly, and when questioned, the cheater mentioned that they'd been talking on Facebook and had rekindled their friendship "recently". As the night wore on and the drinks kicked in, the two became chummy enough that it made my wife uncomfortable, but not so uncomfortable that she'd have suspected anything. She called it "inappropriate but not incriminating".
At some point, the guy pulled out his cellphone to make a call. The phone was a Samsung Galaxy S, which my wife has been thinking about getting since the S2 was released and the price of the original S has dropped. She started chatting with the guy about the phone, and at one point he handed it to her so she could check it out. While she was playing with the phone, the cheater and her guy-pal walked out to the dancefloor and did a little dancing.
That's when my wife found it. Apparently the cameraphone had been pulled out during a hookup, and according to my wife there were DOZENS of photos, and several videos, on the phone. Her, and him, doing things they shouldn't have been doing. My wife was pretty upset about it, but decided that she wasn't going to make a scene while they were both half-drunk at the bar. As I said above, she originally planned on confronting her friend later, and giving her a "Give it up or I'll tell" ultimatum. Because she didn't want the friend to deny it, she forwarded a couple of the photos and one of the videos to her own email account. When the two got back from the dance floor, my wife told her friends that she needed to go home, and that they needed to come with her since she was driving. The cheater tried to convince her to stay, but eventually told her that she'd catch a ride home with the boy-toy. So, my wife left with their other friend, and she dropped the other friend off at her house. (Edit in case that was unclear: My wife was the driver at the beginning of the night, and the other two were the passengers. My wife ended up driving the third friend home, while the cheater stayed at the bar with the guy.)
As my wife was driving back to MY house, she decided to not wait and instead went back to the bar again, planning on either confronting her friend, or at least dragging her out of the bar before anything could happen. She was too late. After walking into the bar, she found the friend and her boy-toy making out in the back of the room, with one of his hands firmly planted somewhere it shouldn't have been. My wife was so shocked that she turned around and came home. The friend never even knew she was there. That was about 1:30 AM.
The next morning the cheater sent my wife a text. "If xxxx asks, tell him we were out barhopping late last night. I lost track of time talking with my friend and don't want him to stress." She later found out that the cheater sent the text because she didn't make it home until almost 5AM. The bars close at 2AM. It's pretty obvious what happened between 1:30 and 5.
So, no, there's really no doubt. I've seen the photographic proof.