Edited on Mon Nov-21-11 06:00 PM by Xithras
It's sordid, but simple: "Wife went out with friends. One friend ran into her boyfriend. Wife found nude photos of friend and boyfriend on his phone. Wife kept three photos and a video, to confront friend with. Wife later caught the two making out. Friend asked wife to cover for her the next morning."
The post above may have been a bit wordy, but that's basically it. I probably should have just summarized the first explanation, instead of going over all the minutiae.
And yes, I was a bit appalled that my wife would copy a few of the photos off of the guys phone, but in my wifes defense: She was half-drunk and pissed off. She only took the photos as evidence to confront her friend with, or to show her friends husband. She didn't really think the whole thing through until she woke up the next morning.