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Reply #5: If you listen to the "second wave" of Prog music... [View All]

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Amerigo Vespucci Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-07-11 10:52 AM
Response to Reply #1
5. If you listen to the "second wave" of Prog music...
...the front-line stars like Marillion, Dream Theater, Spock's Beard, and the other bands that are perhaps best known to hard-core Prog fans (Djam Karet, NeBeLNeST, and scores of others), the influence of Yes and King Crimson is beyond question. Most of modern prog, with very few exceptions, is an amalgam of Genesis (Gabriel to Hackett only, none of the "And Then There Were Three" pop crap that followed), Yes, King Crimson and Pink Floyd. I have several prog mix CDs I keep in the car and was listening to one the other day, specifically Spock's Beard's "Day or Night," and was hit again by the depth of the Genesis influence. Steven Wilson's (Porcupine Tree) Crimson leanings led to him remastering the KC catalog, with Fripp's enthusiastic support and cooperation. His solo albums feature extreme Crimson-isms.

And yet, we have to make sure that Axl gets in there first, and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Go figure.

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