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Reply #8: The remastered "Red" is like an extreme blow to the head with a blunt object (in a good way) [View All]

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Amerigo Vespucci Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-07-11 11:06 AM
Response to Reply #6
8. The remastered "Red" is like an extreme blow to the head with a blunt object (in a good way)
I don't know if he has completed the entire project...he was doing them in batches. "Red" might be my favorite KC album...on this remaster, the clarity definition is amazing (especially Bruford).

Red (Extra tracks, Special Edition, Original recording remastered)

Digitally remastered and expanded two disc (CD/DVD) edition of the Prog Rock band's classic 1974 album, released to coincide with King Crimson's 40th anniversary. The CD features three extra tracks (two previously unreleased) including pre-overdub mixes of the title track and 'Fallen Angel', which illustrate perfectly why the album has been such an enduring influence. The DVD features a 5.1 DTS mix and high resolution stereo mixes plus rare performance footage of four tracks broadcast by French TV in 1974. Presented as digipak in a slipcase with new sleeve notes by Robert Fripp and King Crimson biographer Sid Smith along with rare photos and archive material.
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